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Sugah's Place

Providing quality Sims 2 downloads, social discussions, group projects, original challenges & forum games in a friendly, fun atmosphere.
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Sugah's Place is proud to be one of the last remaining Sims sites devoted entirely to Sims 2. The Ladies of SP welcome you and thank you for being here with us. * See what's NEW by clicking on THIS LINK ...We try to update regularly, so check back often! Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest and 'Tweet' yourself to a little Sugah!! ... Stop by, introduce yourself, play some forum games and schmooze a bit. We're happy to have you.


 I promise my policy will be quick and painless.

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Age : 65

I promise my policy will be quick and painless. Empty
PostSubject: I promise my policy will be quick and painless.   I promise my policy will be quick and painless. EmptyFri Sep 18, 2009 2:14 am

I promise my policy will be quick and painless. Twinklestar  Sugah's Policy   I promise my policy will be quick and painless. Twinklestar

I'd love it if you'd include my CC or Maxis recolors with your lots.

I'd love if it you'd include my walls and/or floors with your lots.

I wouldn't be so crazy about you claiming my work as your own.

I'd absolutely, emphatically hate it if you put any of my stuff @ a paysite.

And most importantly...

I'd love it if you'd give me credit, where due, and provide a link back to Sugah's Place.


There. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?
Thank you for your consideration. It is most appreciated.

Updated on February 2015 ...

Considering TS2 has been around for over a decade, our Sugah's Place creative team has decided to update our policy.

The Ladies of Sugah's Place are now:

* In favor of using any TS2 files that are unsupported by their creator.  
* If a mesh is converted by a creator with a file share friendly policy, it is considered a new mesh and can be used.
* As for content from people who still create but have moved on to creating for TS3 or TS4 exclusively (and are not updating TS2 creations, thus leaving them unsupported), those can be used freely, too.
* If TS2 creators are still active in the community and still hold hard and true to their non-sharing point of view  I promise my policy will be quick and painless. 971462 , we will NOT (knowingly) be using them.
And in our opinion, it is their loss.  girlwinkin

Thank you for being here with us, as always. We treasure your devotion and loyalty to Sugah's Place.


Last edited by Sugah on Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:09 am; edited 10 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated the policy: February 2015)
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I promise my policy will be quick and painless.
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