While searching for something else in the game I happen to stumble upon some new cheats and shortcuts, Or at least I think they are new. I couldn't find any information for them online.
Here are the shortcuts:
Control + Shift + M Subtracts 10,000 from current family's funds, If held down will continue to do this.
Control + Alt + M Adds 10,000 to current family's funds, If held down will continue to do this.
Control + U User Interface browser, Will allow you to see what UI elements the game is currently using. It's also used for debugging all controls(like the Save button) and basically allows you to set whether a certain control can be used at the time. It will not make any permanent changes to the UI, Will reset when entering or exiting lots.
Control + Shift + W Will display all objects on current lot as wireframe(except roofs, walls, floors, and UI)
Shift + W Similar to wireframe but is different.
Control + Shift + L Will cause the current lot to be reloaded from last save(As if you clicked on house from neighborhood)
Control + Shift + S Displays a frame rate tracker at top left of screen.
Here are the cheats:
allMenus On/Off If on will cause all menus to appear at all times, Off disables this cheat. Will also disable Autonomy.
debugSocial On/Off If on will cause a yes or no dialog to appear when two sims socialize. The dialog is for deciding whether the interaction is accepted(yes) or rejected(no).
FBA 1/2 Is for setting how sims calculate autonomous interactions. 1 is the default setting, 2 is an alternate version of the idea.
simDNA (sim's first name) Will show the DNA values of the named sim(both reccessive and expressed DNA).
simOutfit Will output a sim's outfit data to file or print it on screen.
Switches for the simOutfit cheat:
-name (sim's first name)
-nid (sim's neighbor ID) Can be used in place of "-name", If both are used "-nid" will be used.
-work Unknown
-category (sim's outfit category name)
category Names:Casual, Casual1, Casual2, Casual3, Swim, Sleep, Formal, Underwear, Naked, Maternity, Gym, TryOn, NakedOverlay, Outerwear, Current, All
-part (sim's body part name)
bodypart names:Hair, Face, Top, Body, Bottom, Accessory, TailLong, EarsUp, TailShort, EarsDown, BrushTailLong, BrushTailShort, SpitzTail, BrushSpitzTail
-overlay (instance number for overlay's collection) (On/Off) applies(on) or removes(off) special outfit identified by the instance number. The instance number must be an integer in either decimal or hex format. Overlay is mostly used for giving creature special skins(like Vampires).
-output (filePath) output requested information to a file. Like the is for example "-output C:\Outfitdata.txt". Which would create a file called Outfitdata.txt in the root direcory of you C drive. If not used the data will be shown on the screen.
Here is an example of how the simOutfit cheat works "simOutfit -name Aaroneous -category Casual -part body -output C:\Outfitdata.txt". In case I am looking for a sim named Aaroneous then looking at his clothing category(in the case casual) and then looking for a certain part of the body(hair, lower body, upper boddy, etc). in this case I am looking for the body, Which means to look at all of the body. And last but not least I tell the game to output the data found to a txt file.
Also something to be aware of with these cheats, In order for these cheats to work the line in the image below needs to be added to "\Program Files\EA GAMES\lastest EP or SP\TSData\Res\Config\globalProps.xml"